Let’s be honest, who doesn’t like to put a label on everything. Especially when it comes to make-up. ? And here we go: rank the statements below by the degree to which they apply to you. Take out a serviette and lipstick, make a note of the individual rankings and add them up. Then read your label.

Applies fully
3 points

Applies somewhat
2 points

Applies a little
1 point

Does not apply
0 points

  1. I’m not going anywhere without lipstick, eyeshadow and powder.
  2. I like to experiment with my make-up.
  3. I change my hairstyle often.
  4. I have no trouble spontaneously naming five lipstick brands.
  5. I have drawers full of make-up and styling tools.
  6. I would rather go out without clothes than without make-up.
  7. Other women regularly compliment me on my make-up.
  8. Make-up is more important than clothes.

You don’t know much about make-up, perhaps you have never worn any. But the fact alone that you are reading this result means that you might be more interested in the topic than you are willing to admit. Give it a go – and discover the spell that can be cast using individual and professional make-up and hair styling that is perfectly tailored to you.

You like make-up and like to get dressed up. But you’re not one to go experimenting all the time, because you prefer your time-saving routine. Strokes that are right every time because they have been practiced for years. For years? Perhaps it is time for a new look after all. To express it in the words of many of my clients: “Wow, so different, and I mean that positively.”

Your make-up is important to you. You like to try out different colours and lines, regularly wear your hair differently and have your own well-stocked make-up case. Or a make-up cabinet. Or a make-up drawer. Interested in spending a few hours deepening your knowledge and skills with a make-up artist in a professionally equipped make-up studio?

You have a similar passion for make-up and styling as I do. Come and visit me in my studio. You will have free reign. Of course I would be happy to stand by your side. I have no doubt that my experience will help me to pass on a trick or two, or an accent or two, that you might not see yourself.

Name five lipstick brands spontaneously – respect! Let me guess: you are a make-up artist and only here to check out the competition. Don’t worry, I have also done my share of looking around. That’s what professionals do.

Individual Make-up & Styling Consultation

Contact me for your individual make-up or hair styling consultation.